Use your gifts and talents to praise God
The St Francis de Sales Adult Choir members love to sing although currently they are not participating in music as a group. Typically they support and encourage congregational singing at Mass each Sunday from September to June and enhance special liturgies during the year.
The choir members look forward to joining together again, whether it be to rehearse, to sing at Liturgies, or to socialize after major feasts.
You don’t need to have a solo voice or know how to read music to be in the St. Francis de Sales Choir. With practice, experienced direction, and the use of rehearsal CD’s, singers become valuable additions to our music ministry.
When rehearsals are again held, they will be in the Father Walsh Center on Wednesdays beginning at 7:15 during the school year. High school students and adults will be most welcome. Plan to join us.
For more information, contact the director,
Jeffrey Braconnier, at: 610-459-2203 or [email protected]