The Ladies Club, since its inception, has focused on stewardship of the parish and the building of relationships among its members.
Craft and Bake Sales, the Penny Party, Children’s Bingo, Soup Sales, Crab Sales and Flower Sales are among the Fund Raisers offered each year.
In June the Ladies gather for their annual " End of the Year Covered Dish Supper" and present the Pastor with the money raised from all of their events.
Membership is open to all women of the parish. The Club is always seeking new members and is interested in new ideas and growing as an organization. Meetings (with refreshments) are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Father Walsh Center.
Ever mindful of the women who went before them leaving them the legacy of the "Ladies Club" they schedule a Memorial Mass each year on the third Saturday of May for all deceased members with special attention paid to those who died during the year.
Conscious of the importance of enriching each other the meetings often include sharing topics such as nutrition, flower arrangement, crafts and prayer. The meeting provides for a great "Ladies Night Out" where one can laugh and learn with others who share common interests.
Board Members:
President: Belle Miller
Vice President: Kathleen Smith
Treasurer: Pat Murphy
For additional information about the Ladies Club call Julie Crowell, Secretary 610-459-5458
The goal of the Liturgy Committee is to provide parishioners with events that will enhance their spiritual life.
The Liturgy Committee provides educative materials related to the liturgy and provides materials for reflection during the most sacred times of the church year. It plans a schedule of events throughout the Liturgical Year which provide many opportunities for parishioners to deepen their spiritual lives.CALLING ALL CRAFTERS ...
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is looking for a few good needle workers. PSM was started in 1998 by two ladies in Hartford, Connecticut. Since then it has become an international ministry that combines both spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry at St. Francis was started just a few short months ago. Since than we have knitted and crocheted close to 20 shawls! If you knit or crochet, beginner or experienced, and would like to share your created gifts with others who are in need, prayerfully consider joining the group. We will create baby blankets, prayer shawls, and lap blankets. They will be blessed and donated passing on not only the created gift but the prayers and blessings as well.
We meet the second and fourth Tuesday of every month in the FWC at 6:00 pm. We start with an opening prayer, spend a few hours stitching and in conversation, then end the session with a closing prayer.
If you would like more information about our group go to If you are interested, please contact Ann Fernandez at 215-203-6697 or email me at [email protected].
The Mass Attendance Committee, which was formed at the Parish Synod to help increase Mass attendance, has needs to fulfill their mission.
HELP WANTED: One of the goals of the recently concluded Parish Synod is to encourage greater participation at Mass. Men and women volunteers are wanted - age 16 or older - to acts as Ushers during Sunday Masses. In addition to taking the collection, Ushers would be present about ten minutes prior to Mass to check the pews for proper missal placement, remove any foreign material, and to assist with seating, if required. If interested contact John Kolicius ([email protected] - 610-357-3352) or Jack McKeown ([email protected] - 610-358-1453).
Upcoming Events...
Committee Meeting- TBA at 7pm in the Father Walsh Center
Welcome New Members!
Everyone knows that “Many hands make light the work." With that in mind, our committee is inviting anyone who would like, to attend one of our meetings and see if they would like to be one of those “hands.”
Please consider visiting and/or joining us. Come Share the Fun!
Experience St. Francis De Sales!
Upcoming Calendar of Events SAVE THE DATE!
Special Events
More Information regarding the up-coming events will be shared as we get closer to the date of event. Dates are subject to change. ~ All Parishioners are Invited to join the fun!
For more info contact Donna Paciente at [email protected] or 610-565-7761
The goal of the Welcome Committee is to provide an atmosphere of welcome and hospitality where all may feel comfortable and at home in our Parish Family.
Presently the committee focuses on new members. They are welcomed by a phone call within a short time after they register. The committee mails a welcoming card and parish information to them and offers a visit to their home to respond to any questions they may have. In addition to the Welcome Committee each organization in the parish welcomes new members .
The Committee welcomes new ideas and new members.
For additional information, please call Rita Di Febo at 610.459.8971.